Welcome to the Country Wellness Center. In collaboration with the Native American Community of North Stonington we are working to bring you the highest quality in holistic health care.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber
Hyperbaric technology involves increasing the air pressure inside of the hyperbaric chamber, enabling the body to absorb more oxygen per volume of compressed air. Normally, the human body transports breathable oxygen through the bloodstream. Oxygen is carried i n the hemoglobin of red blood cells. When an individual inhale pressurized air containing a higher concentration of oxygen, that oxygen is also driven into the body’s fluids, where it intensely saturates the tissues and organs. This increased pressure can also send oxygen to the hard-to-reach places in the body, including areas of injury aggravated by damaged circulation.
Infrared Sauna Therapy
Heat and light energy are emitted to help relax and detoxify the body. Spiritualquest sauna uses Far Infrared (FIR) light to create a gentle heat that penetrates several inches deep into the tissue, activating cells. This causes the body to sweat and stimulates the metabolism
A healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical and emotional well-being.
30-90 minutes with or without CBD oil.
Sensory Deprivation (Float) Tank
People float to relieve stress, recover from injuries, fight addiction, eliminate chronic pain, and much more.
Studies indicate that floating increases your dopamine and endorphin levels, boosting your mood and leaving you with a pleasant afterglow that lasts for days afterwards.
Without the need to fight gravity or take-in external information, you’ll likely experience the most complete relaxation you’ve ever felt.
A device called a halogenerator grinds salt into microscopic particles and releases them into the air of the room. Once inhaled, these salt particles absorb irritants, including allergens and toxins, from the respiratory system. Advocates say this process breaks up mucus and reduces inflammation, resulting in clear airways.